
Dear Me,

posted on February 13th 2015 in Uncategorized with 1 Comments

Valentines Day, though glorious for many of us with loving valentines to share it with, can often be a rough day for those of us who don’t have a date. Without one, we feel obligated to wallow in a tub of ice cream, cursing the sky for our unfortunate lack of suitors. But instead of spending this Valentines weekend sad and depressed, i’d like to challenge that notion.

I think that our own minds, one another, and society as a whole has done everything in its power to convince us that our personal happiness is contingent on something external: beauty, wealth- and this weekend- love. Apparently we need someone handing us rose petals in order to not feel alone this weekend. Even if the man at our door doesn’t know basic hygiene, at least we have a date for Feb. 14th, right?!

WRONG. I am calling bullshit. Finding self-recognition and depending on the affection of another is not a habit I think we should be encouraging, and I am here to challenge you all to spend your weekend loving freely rather than being down on yourself. Here is what I want you to do:

Be your own valentine. Sound stupid? Good. When was the last time we took the time to physically write kind things about ourselves? If the answer is “never” or “almost never” or “I have no idea what I would write”, then this is a perfect place to start. Write to yourself. Remind yourself that you are loved 365 days a year INCLUDING Valentines Day, with or without a lover to share it with. Remind yourself that your happiness is not dependent on the chocolates of another. Remind yourself that you are one sexy-ass individual and being single doesn’t change that: it simply means you haven’t found the right person to handle your radiant beauty properly yet. Write down a romantic list of all the things you love about yourself because you deserve it.

There should be no shame in this game.

Once completed, read it over again. Every time you question your worth on Saturday, read the valentine. Every time you seem to forget that you are valuable, or you are beautiful beyond compare, or that no matter who is beside you today or any day you are loved,  read the valentine.

“Somewhere along the way we have convinced ourselves that we are unworthy of our own love and praise.”

Valentines Day is about telling those you love how much you love them. Let’s start with ourselves.


currently there's 1 comment(s)

  • Pedrito

    commented on June 16, 2015 at 8:35 am

    Only just found your site (i haven’t been blogging long lol)so much loevly work here i must say ;)and just so happens that I have just made a card with hearts for my parents anniversary off to update my post to include your blog 😉


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